• Campaña de solidaridad 

      para apoyar a los damnificados por los incendios forestales

      En estos tiempos difíciles, es crucial que nos unamos no solo en oración sino también en donación.

      Estos incendios forestales no solo arrasan con vastas áreas de bosques y fauna, sino que también destruyen hogares, medios de vida y comunidades enteras.

      Nuestra campaña busca recolectar:

      • Medicamentos
      • Alimentos
      • Agua potable
      • Bebidas hidratantes
      • Utensilios para incendios

      para aquellos que han perdido todo.

      Además, promoveremos la donación de tiempo y habilidades a través del voluntariado en labores de reconstrucción y apoyo emocional.

      Cada pequeña contribución cuenta y puede marcar una diferencia significativa en la vida de quienes lo han perdido todo. Juntos, podemos ayudar a reconstruir no solo hogares, sino también esperanzas y sueños. Únete a nuestra campaña y sé parte del cambio positivo.


      Puedes dejar tu donación en cualquier Unidad Educativa de la Obra Josefina Bálsamo.

      Desde el 12 hasta el 20 de septiembre

      Contamos con tu aporte


      El calendario escolar guiará todas las actividades que haremos durante esta gestión por eso les pedimos que puedan estar atentos

      Otra cosa que debemos tener en cuenta es nuestro reglamento. Haz clic en el boton de abajo para consultar o descargar nuestro reglamento

    • Self-Paced Learning Courses Online

      with Lambda - Premium Moodle Theme


      The perfect choice for your Moodle site

    • Educational Institutions: From elementary schools to universities, enrich teaching methodologies and engage learners effectively across diverse educational levels.

      Corporate Training: Offer internal training and employee development programs, fostering continuous learning and skill enhancement among their teams.

      Online Course Platforms: Elevate your online course experiences, providing a robust and adaptable learning environment for users seeking comprehensive educational resources.

    • Our Features

      Lambda is a high quality and very flexible theme with lots of powerful features and theme options.
      It lets you present your content in whatever way you like.
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      Powerful Admin Settings

      Quick and easy customization: Control style and design of your Moodle site with Lambda.

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      Flexible Layout

      Lambda gives you the flexibility to set the preferred layout for your e-learning site.

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      100+ built-in language packs: Teach in your native language or take your courses globally.

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      Built-in Components

      Enhance your courses and create your own content pages easily without coding.

    • Why choose us?

      A few reasons why our valued customers choose Lambda for Moodle.

      Daily approved and trusted by over 10,000 satisfied customers, Theme Lambda stands tall, celebrating nine years as the unparalleled #1 selling Moodle theme. Renowned for its reliability and robustness, Lambda emerges as the consistent choice, elevating the experience of your Moodle instance with its time-tested excellence.
      Theme Lambda not only offers a helpful and robust customer support system, ensuring your queries are promptly addressed, but also guarantees a lifetime of free updates. Experience peace of mind knowing that your Moodle instance stays up-to-date with the latest advancements, supported by a dedicated team committed to your success.
      Comprehensive installation guides and tutorials accompany each component and plugin included with Theme Lambda, streamlining your workflow. These detailed instructions provide step-by-step guidance, simplifying the setup process and ensuring a seamless integration of all elements, empowering you to maximize the full potential of your Moodle platform effortlessly.
    • ico lnr lnr-license
      Plugins Ready

      Compatible with plugins from the Moodle plugins directory.

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      Best Rated

      The most popular theme for Moodle with 5-star rating.

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      Lifetime Updates

      Lambda is regularly updated and all updates are free.